Border Lines
Daniel Boyarin
Not Available
Saving Shame
Virginia Burrus
Punishment and Freedom
Devora Steinmetz
Aliens and Sojourners
Benjamin H. Dunning
Augustine's Manichaean Dilemma
Jason BeDuhn
Narrating the Law
Barry S. Wimpfheimer
Muhammad Is Not the Father of Any of Your Men
David Stephan Powers
Founding the Fathers
Elizabeth A. Clark
A Common Justice
Uriel I. Simonsohn
Demonic Desires
Ishay Rosen-Zvi
Christ Circumcised
Andrew S. Jacobs
Textual Mirrors
Dina Stein
Thorns in the Flesh
Andrew T. Crislip
The Memory of the Temple and the Making of the Rabbis
Naftali S. Cohn
Augustine's Manichaean Dilemma. 2 Making a "Catholic" Self, 388-401 C.E
The Invention of Peter
George E. Demacopoulos
Apocalypse of the Alien God
Dylan M. Burns
Violence and Belief in Late Antiquity
Thomas Sizgorich
Scripture and Tradition
Azzan Yadin-Israel
A Traveling Homeland
Envisioning Islam
Michael Philip Penn
The Death of a Prophet
Stephen J. Shoemaker
The Corporeal Imagination
Patricia Cox Miller
The Virgin in Song
Thomas Arentzen
Jews, Gentiles, and Other Animals
Mira Wasserman
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
Christopher A. Frilingos
Sefer Yesirah and Its Contexts
Tzahi Weiss
In the Eye of the Animal
The Apocalypse of Empire
Ancient Christian Ecopoetics
The Fathers Refounded
The Godman and the Sea
Michael J. Tate
The Early Martyr Narratives
Éric Rebillard
Heavenly Stories
Alexander Kocar
Imitations of Infinity
Michael Motia
The Return of the Absent Father
Haim Weiss and 1 more
Death of the Desert
Christine Luckritz Marquis
The Crucified Book
Anne Starr Kreps